Oct 6, 2010


Pitocin + Epidural + hours of "sleeping" through the wee hours of the night =

Kenneth Max Lewis

7lbs 10oz  & 18.5inches

Totally cuddly, healthy & cute  -absolutely love him!


Jenni Johansen said...

Yay!!!!!!! Wish I was there!!! Congratulations. He looks adorable! And so do you! XOXO

Kids! said...

You look great Erica! Can't wait to come and see Kenneth in person!

Jacki said...


McGuire's said...

Congrats!!! LOVE his name!! You look great Erica. Love the induction + epidural + pitocin =baby. :) Can't wait to see more pictures!

Julie said...

So that's how babies are made. :)

Ella said...

Congratulations - so happy to hear of baby's safe arrival.

MaryAnne said...

That is so exciting! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

Swain Family said...

Congrats!!! He is adorable! And you look amazing! Glad everyboday is doing well!