Oct 14, 2008

Future Engineer

Patrick was combining computers last week. I like to ask him about them, but to be honest, I don't have the attention span for it. Patrick is great at explaining complicated things in laymans terms -afterall, if you can't explain it to a 5th grader, than you don't really understand it right? Anyhow, Payson was "helping" and completely fascinated. So maybe Payson will follow in Daddy's footsteps. Patrick always said while I was pregnant that he wanted a little person that he could teach and train, and to make the baby just like himself! So, he got a little boy who looks just like him, loves to talk all the time (also like Patrick :) and interested in how EVERYTHING works! Indeed Payson is our Mini-P.

Or, maybe a train engineer?


Hoenes Family said...

I hope Patrick's wishes come true. Payson is such a cutie.

McGuire's said...

What a little cutie! HAppy Birthday Erica!!!

Jenni Johansen said...

so maybe you need a new post......