I love looking at the pictures I take -Is this how I imagined my life to be? Who knows? But I love it -every minute of it!! Well, maybe most minutes of it ;)
Patrick likes his toy Payson. It's all about reactions. Watching Payson is fascinating, especially after putting ice in his mouth -and then [not pictured] down his diaper!
Payson and Erica had fun on the trampoline at the Burns', while Patrick was glued to the BYU football game. Thanks to Tevo we watched it in record time too! Anytime you looked away, you missed a play. Payson did have time to try on one of the twins Spiderman outfits (why the cape?? -who knows!).

Patrick & Payson practice their football plays. Hut, Tackle, Get the fumble!
Payson & Kenzi have snacks. Kenzi was very kind in "sharing" -eg putting all of her snacks onto Payson's tray one by one until she was "all done"! We are excited to have the Hoenes's as our new neighbors.